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Welcome Letter From the President

  Welcome to SCPU. We are pleased that you are considering SCPU as your partner in achieving
your educational goal to earn your partner in achieving your educational goal to earn your under graduate and/or graduate university degree.
  Distance learning courses offer a unique opportunity to earn A university degree without classroom attendance.
  This catalog explains SCPU’S distance learning process and degree programs leading to a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctorate degree.
  The SCPU curricula focuses on many specialty program areas. If you are beginning your university career or if you are seeking An advanced degree, SCPU’S proprietary courses combined with The recognition of previous Academic/Work experience for credit Will lead you to your desired degree. Our faculty and mentors will Work closely with you to support your educational objectives.
  At SCPU, we welcome all students and alumni to become personally involved with the SCPU
networking groups. SCPU professional network of alumni to help develop the interaction Of ideas and career opportunities amongst its graduates. A newsletter from my office is provided, describing developments within the structure of the university and information about its faculty and students.
  We hope that a careful reading of the SCPU Catalog will answer all of your questions. If you need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact the admissions office for more details.

A Message From the Chancellor

  The reality of life in America today is that a university degree has become almost a rerequisite for opportunity. Whether your goal is to achieve higher earnings, increased influence or simply to broaden your base of knowledge, education is the common denominator for today’s achievements.
Unfortunately, in the prevailing economic climate, hard work alone will no longer bring the rewards we deserve. A university degree opens doors by immediately setting its holder apart form the rest of the crowd, and a SCPU education and degree can help you attain the levels of success you deserve.

As the world becomes more unified in scope, it is important that schools impress upon future managers and leaders the need to expand their horizons beyond traditional course offerings. Non-traditional courses contain many additional benefits of education including ethical, economic and societal aspects, which are constantly evolving and which impact substantively on modern civilization. Of course, this must be accomplished while also providing these leaders with a stable grounding in those skills which form the foundation of a thorough portfolio of tools and acumen.
The SCPU Non-Residence Program is unique. It offers a broad knowledge of today’s fundamental practices interwoven with specific instruction in its curriculum, the same curriculum which today forms the nucleus of instruction at America’s foremost schools. 

The SCPU education is exceptional, and the Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate degree earned by our students enables them to take their rightful place in the world, with unlimited opportunity for career advancement and personal growth. 

Mastery of the SCPU curriculums will become the cornerstone of your success. To insure that you get the most out of your education, we offer both free tutoring assistance and on going career counseling for our student body.

We at SCPU are dedicated to helping you achieve the University degree you have always wanted. In today’s fast-paced environment Where a university education is a necessity, SCPU can help make your dream come true. We welcome your interest in our programs and invite you to learn about our university as you read and examine this catalog.
What Is Distance Learning
It,s study, it,s maturity, it,s commitment. The purpose of our university is to allow the adult student to earn a degree on a much more flexible basis than the traditional colleges and universities. And, in a multitude of areas for study.
In today,s society , wisdom tells us that we must keep on learning so we can grow individually, professionally and economically. How is this possible when responsibilities at work and home prevents classroom attendance. Adults and midcareer professionals who are actively seeking an alternative education, but who can seldom if any spend time in a classroom, will find distance learning education ideal solution the dilemma.
Distance learning is guided study done on your own, independently and not in a classroom, lecture or study hall. The responsibility for your education is between you and SCPU. Credits earned represent how much you,ve learned in your subject area not for the amount of time you attend class. You start when you are ready , continue on at your own pace and finish at your convenience.
You,re never rushed or held back by other students or teachers. Upon the curriculums being assigned, students will utilize the resources of their own local libraries and of the nearby school libraries. Remember , SCPU curriculums are for the mature and motivated adult, if utilized properly you will have great success in earning your degree. However, the decision and timing is all up to you.
SCPU offers directed study in many program areas. Each curriculum is customized for the student to ensure quality and direction. You are never left alone to figure our what to do , you will
always receive as mush direction and tutoring as needed.
How Does It Work 

Every SCPU course will come with a complete syllabus and instru ctions on procedures for completion. You will learn from this curriculum as well as perform basic objectives that will give you the required concepts for the course. A Mentor in your chosen area of specialization will be assigned to you, to help you understand and complete your degree requirements. Using the syllabus and the help from the Mentor the objectives of the course. Upon all this, you will be in a position to earn the credits necessary for your degree via distance learning.
E-Mail Campus Optional 

The personal computer, which has radically altered the face of the work place is having an equally profound impact on higher education. Not since the invention of the television has a technology so clearly set the stage for an entirely new medium for transferring knowledge. SCPU’s electronic environment, offering technology to students so they may have interactive access to their courses, research opportunities and instructors.
The co mmunications revolution and the rising cost of a quality education have changed traditional campuses and onsite teaching methods. Conventional university educational systems and facilities are becoming incompatible with many teaching professionals and students needs, interests, and busy schedules.
With access to a personal computer and modem, SCPU liberates students and teachers from the constraints of time, location and high tuition fees. SCPU creates a learning environment by electronically assembling working adults into classroom settings, subject area discussions and individual research projects guided by instructors and Mentors.
SCPU’s Electronic University combines the strengths of interactive learning with the flexibility of choosing the time and place for the classroom curriculum. The 24 hour day Electronic Classroom permits each member to participate at a time of day or night best suited to their own personal schedule. Unlike a traditional classroom where discussions are often dominated by a few individuals, the Electronic Classroom provides you with one-to-one instruction and easy access to be heard. Because all discussions are held either in text , audio and video form and can be saved in the student,s computer, students will have the luxury of revisiting as often as necessary on anything that has been discussed previously while they work off line on their own computers.
Once a student registers with the SCPU Electronic University, they will receive copy of all the necessary procedures. Even novice computer users are able to become proficient with only a minimal amount of practice. Students will learn to move freely through the Electronic Campus and use the systems various features efficiently. Each student will be issued a student number with access codes enabling users to complete ID assignments, tests, etc. as well as sending messages to instructors, Mentors, faculty, other students or to people with Internet addresses.
This ability to communicate with anyone in the university, 24 hours a day, means no more waiting in lines, making appointments, or getting frustrated for lack of responsiveness. Students may also transfer their assignment and course materials to their mentor for preliminary review and evaluation.
Students will now get to know the course curricula through an exchange of personal and professional information. Faculty members and Mentors will provide instruction, issue assignments and facilitate electronic discussions. There are no due dates for assignments, the students work on assignments at a time that,s convenient to them .
Students will receive in their student kit a comprehensive syllabus that includes all assignments and instructions for the entire course. Then , the assigned Mentor will be in a position to provide expertise, guidance, feedback and answers. Students will have the freedom to visit their electronic classroom and do their work anytime they choose. At the conclusion of each assignment, students will ask questions they may still have. Instructors will make available grades and comments upon request. 

E-Mail Campus Instructions

Many SCPU students, both nationally and internationally choose to register and earn their degree by utilizing the Internet. By choosing this electronic delivery method, most students can enjoy the quick response time of being on line at their own convenience.
Here’s How Works:
A potential student completes the application and arranges for proper payment.
As soon as your application is received, SCPU will appoint a mentor that will be a specialist in your chosen field of study. You will be contacted immediately by the University with introductions, instructions and initial assignments (Note:Mentors can be changed at the request of the student ).
Within one week after registration, your Student Kit will be mailed to your designated address. This Kit will contain all of the materials necessary for you to complete your degree requirements and graduate as an Online Campus student.
Upon receiving the materials, including your student ID number and all required password codes, you will then be ready to begin. All students will use their existing E-mail addresses with assigned student ID numbers for faster communication. Internet software can be provided if necessary.
Your Mentor will then inaugurate an interactive communication system. Assignments will all come directly from the Mentor to you . You should maintain constant communication with your Mentor (frequency of contacts may vary according to Mentor ).
This procedure will continue at the selected pace you request and can be altered at any time at your descretion. Day or night, seven days a week, you,re in command, go to school when the timing is right for you .
After completing your degree requirements, and while working in concert with your Mentor, you will have earned your desired accredited degree and will be recommended and eligible for graduation.
SCPU On The Internet 

The following information is deemed necessary and essential for understanding the workings of the Internet. In addition to providing a basic definition and history of the Internet, SCPU will consistently over time provide its students with new and exciting technology. Though SCPU tries to maintain simple and efficient delivery methods, it behooves all students to familiarize themselves with the most used Internet and other technological practices.
Obviously, it is essential for all On-Line Campus students to have Internet access, so this information is provided to those students who desire to go on-line with their studies. Please read over the list of the necessary requirements to ensure that you are ready to be connected to the Internet and start communicating with SCPU via the E-mail Campus.
A. A computer (with a recommended minimum of 128 MB of RAM) and a modem.
B. A modem (with a recommended minimum speed of 14.4kbps, and suggested speed of 28.8kbps
) this is connected to an analog phone line (assuming you are not using a direct Internet connection through corporation, etc.)
C. Established access to the Internet through an online service, independent Internet service provide, etc. (software can be supplied free of charge ).
D. Access to the browser applications: Netscape Navigator and/or Microsoft Explorer (if you do not currently have these applications, contact your Internet service provider for instructions on how to download them ).
E. A great deal of patience. The Internet is a fun and exciting place where people from all corners of the world can learn and earn a university degree. But getting connected can be frustrating at times. Expect to run into occasional glitches, to get disconnected from time to time and to experience occasional difficulty in locating what you seek or even sending e-mail. The more up to date your equipment the less difficulty you will robably experience.
Remember, when communicating with SCPU via e-mail, be as accurate as you can. Sending e- mail is a very secure environment. If you need any additional information on the Internet, its capacities and its technology, consult with your local provider or, contact the administration department of SCPU . 

Programs and Degrees
The following majors are now available for degree granting to all student candidates. Please refer to the following key for availability for the Bechelor’s,Master’s,Doctorate and Certificate levels.
Bachelor Degree Programs
Master Degree Programs
Study See Degree Programs
Customized Degree Programs 
Student Services
Study Online
Student Date Check
Study Services

◆Books of the World
◆Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library
◆Internet Bookshop
◆The Internet Public Library
◆How to link to Books of the World
◆Online Texts Collection
◆Academic Text Service
◆The On-Line Books Page
◆Available Research
◆The Online Electronic Publishing Collection
◆Electronic Resources
◆Electronic Resource Guides
◆Edith Cowan University Library
Library Services

With the incredible expansion of Internet and its associated facilities, access to almost any book or scientific document at any time, and from and in any part of the world, has become an easy task. This inevitably has effected the role of university libraries and library services, the most progressive amongst them taking the look of a "Cyber Cafe" rather than the graveyard of old volumes with the moldy smells and the cobwebs. Nostalgic, but outdated, obviously in a progressive university like SCPU, the old-fashioned library cannot exist. The services that we provide are as follows:
Purchase and shipment of latest volume of textbooks, professional manuals and magazines, and original research papers for our students as and when they need them, at a discounted price. Orders are taken at each local Center for processing.The University can assist the student in ordering books from booksellers such as Barnes & Nobel, Borders, Technical Books, and Amazon. com in USA, and Foyles in England, as well as certain publishers like McMillan, McGraw Hill, etc. Providing our students with names of book wholesalers who will accept orders and make shipments directly, such as Buffin Books in England. Production and sale of University's own publications required by the students, such as the University's "Dissertation Handbook", a must for all doctorate e-degree students, and very helpful to any learner presenting a final thesis at any level. Forwarding the latest copy of the textbooks used by the local Centers for their reference library. Purchase and Shipment of educational aid material such as video and audio tapes, CDs, computer software, etc. Providing list of references for research purposes of postgraduate students when such service is not available through the local Centers.
How We Deliver

Very SCPU course will come with a complete syllabus and instructions on procedures for completion. You will learn from this curriculum as well as perform basic objectives that will give you the required concepts for the course. A Mentor in your chosen area of specialization will be assigned to you, to help you understand and complete your e-degree requirements. Using the syllabus and the help from the Mentor the objectives of the course. Upon all this, you will be in a position to earn the credits necessary for your e-degree via distance learning.

